

As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. This includes four cute dino appliqués.


A bit delayed, I am now introducing my Triceratops. Cute, isn't she?



As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. I am currently working on that. It includes four cute dinosaur appliqués.


Today, I would like to introduce my version of a Pterodactylus.



As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. I am currently working on that. It includes four cute dinosaur appliqués.


Today, I'd like to introduce my T-Rex lady.



As a winter jacket, the theme "dinosaurs" was requested. I am currently working on that. It includes four cute dinosaur appliqués.

First, let me introduce you to my Brachiosaurus.


Bee Jacket

Buzz buzz buzz,

Little bee buzzing around.

nursery rhyme

I came across the idea on Pinterest to crochet a cute summer jacket with honeycomb patterns and bee appliques.


I think: the jacket turned out absolutely adorable!


Sir Octus

May I introduce?


Sir Octus and his brother! The pattern was designed by Sarah Hearn.

If you prefer German, you can switch. I asked and Sarah allowed my to publish a German version.


Little Heart


A little heart in his arms shall increase the cuteness factor of Elephant Mo - after all, we want him to make a good impression!


I wasn't satisfied with any pattern I found online. After some experimenting, I now have a pattern for cute little hearts.